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Virtual Class Programs

Completely FREE!

Live Virtual Outreach
Engage your students with live historic presentations and Q&A on a variety of topics followed by fun, TEKS based activities for your students to do both during and after the program. All links and program templates will be provided via email prior to the virtual program. Programs are 1 - 1 1/2 hours in length with a 40 minute live presentation with Q&A followed by activities teachers can continue in the classroom.
Offered Tuesday through Friday with start times between 8:45-11:00am.


Virtual Tours
Take your students on a pre-recorded virtual tour presentation of the museum exhibits led by a historic interpreter followed by an interactive conversation on Padlet with museum staff. All links and information will be provided via email prior to the virtual program. Please complete the form below; one for each class if multiple discussion times are needed.
Offered Tuesday through Friday with Padlet discussion times between 8:15am-4:30pm.

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