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Become a Member

Join as a member of the Friends of the Bell County Museum and enjoy special benefits while supporting our mission and vision.

Membership is annual and runs from May 1 to April 31 of every year in which dues are paid.

Click here to join!

  • $10 - Student
  • $25 - Friend
  • $50 - Family
  • $100 - Patron (receive NARM benefits)
  • $250 - Partner (receive NARM benefits)
  • $500 - Benefactor (receive NARM benefits)
  • $1,000+ Associate (receive NARM benefits)
Benefits Include:
  • North American Reciprocal Museums (NARM) - Members receive North American Reciprocal Museum benefits, giving you free access to over 1,300 museums across the continent*
  • 10% Gift Shop Discount
  • Members-only opening receptions
  • Members-only trips and social events
*NARM benefits applicable for members at Patron Level and above, per NARM guidelines.

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